Selling WTS Planetside2 Account BUNCH of SC!

Discussion in 'Planetside 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/31/15.

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  1. Games

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    WTS my PS2 account

    ---Over 19000 unspent SC---

    ---3 Characters all on Matherson---

    VS BR32 3500 Unspent Certs, 6000 Spent certs, over 10000 SC spent on him.

    TR BR18 5200 Unspent Certs, 2000 Spent Certs, over 5000 SC spent on him.

    NC BR13 6700 Unspent Certs, 2000 Spent Certs over 5000 SC spent on him.

    Loyal Soldier Camo on all Chars

    $180 US or PM an offer.

    - - - Updated - - -

    After looking into it more closely I feel the value of this account is probably more close to 80$ US. I've spent 24000 SC and have another 19000 SC left. That's 43000 SC for 80$.


    Now selling for 75$ US

    Originally Posted by Doncojones

    Now selling for 75$ US

    give me an email to get in contact plz
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