Selling ON HOLD -- Raid Leader/Collector/Dungeon Crawler/Guild Master - ORIGINAL KS PRICE

Discussion in 'Hex Shards of Fate Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/31/15.

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  1. Games

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    ON HOLD -- Currently checking the ability to transfer account ownership prior to beta. I want to ensure that a sold account will have the capability to have the original email address changed over to the buyer's email address, and that the buyer doesn't end up just buying an account with alpha access. Thread will be updated and re-listed once transfer information is confirmed.

    Accounts for sale:

    1 -- Raid Leader $250.00 USD

    1 -- Collector $250.00 USD

    1 -- Dungeon Crawler $250.00 USD

    1 -- Guild Master $250.00 USD

    I also have GenCon 2013 Promo AA Ozawa codes, Gax's, Portensio's, and Jadiim Sleeve codes.

    Please send a PM here if you are interested.


    I know its on hold but now there is just the way to give out the keys you received, so I will send you a PM and I am willing to buy - I would prefer the dungeon crawler or collector.

    Yeah you should have received the keys yesterday. Ill PM you too in which Im interested
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