Selling WTS> Dungeon Crawler Tier account

Discussion in 'Hex Shards of Fate Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/31/15.

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  1. Games

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    Do drop me a PM and offer me a price ^_~


    Account still available. For clarity sake, Closed-Beta account will be provided as well as the reward code for Dungeon Crawler Tier and the Code for a free weekly drafts for a year (these are part of the Dungeon Crawler, Raid Leader, Guild Master and Collector tier rewards).

    Feel free to PM me for further details I'm open to any suggestions you might have to ensure a smooth and secured transaction.

    Just PMed you

    how much do these run?

    All PMs have been replied. Bidding or offers will be received and responded to through PMs with the highest offer currently at $250.

    Offer received for $265. If no higher offers are received, account will be sold.


    your innbox is fulll


    I would pay you 265$, showing you live on video when i enter the code to not fake "code not working" or stuff so you are on the save side, tell me if you wanna contact me via skype

    - - - Updated - - -

    Sent you a PM btw, you may wanna read it

    Fast and smooth transaction - appreciated!

    Account SOLD. I would like to thank everyone who made a bid and I do apologise for any lapse in communication. Look forward to dealing with you folks again.

    Seems to be a large lapse in communication dealing with anyone on this forum...

    Will agree. Last time i heard from this seller, I was the highest bidder. :/
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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