Selling Pro Player non-draft code & Dungeon Crawler year draft code

Discussion in 'Hex Shards of Fate Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/31/15.

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  1. Games

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    WTS 1x Pro Player Tier code.

    WTS 1x Year Draft code (from the Dungeon Crawler tier).

    I am the original owner and I'm willing to sell separately.

    I have already used and plan to keep the Dungeon Crawler tier code and the lifetime draft code from the Pro Player tier. I am only trying to sell the Pro Player tier code (so basically the 155 boosters and other non-draft rewards) and the free year of drafting from the Dungeon Crawler tier.

    Please send offers to my inbox.


    Deleted by author.

    PM me your buy it now for both codes.

    Replied to all those interested. Thanks.


    I still have the Pro Player Tier code. This includes everything in the Pro Player tier except for the free weekly draft for life.

    Let me know your offers.


    Apologies for not contacting people earlier. I keep forgetting to clear my PMs.

    The current highest bid is $320 USD. To keep this on track please reply in this thread and don't PM (although I will still check PMs).

    Do you have a set end date in mind?

    How about 8pm (PST) on Friday, August 1st so I can sort it out before the weekend.

    Didn't hear back from the person who offered $320 USD so I'm resetting the bids. Please reply to this thread though.

    As a reminder I'm selling the non-draft pro player tier code.
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