Selling Wts/ or trade dragon's prophet lord pack account

Discussion in 'Dragon's Prophet Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/31/15.

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  1. Games

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    like the title implies im trying to sell or trade my DP account fot usd or trade it for rift related stuff



    The account is a dragon lord pack account

    Originally Posted by sorrowriku


    The account is a dragon lord pack account

    How much?

    50 obo

    bump account still for sale

    Hi I am interested in your account, are the Dragon Lord items character bound or account bound and is this the pack the includes the mansion and exclusive dragon? Thank you in advance. Also, I sent you a Skype invite.

    I'll have to back out, I realized that this game has not much going for it after trying it out for a bit. Sorry for the hype.

    I'm looking for a Dragon Lord account if you're still selling.

    Sorry for delay guy i am still selling the account if any1 is interested pm here or add me on skype at Facebook.:sorrowriku

    bump still selling

    I might be interested in purchasing your account. Would much rather purchase a VIP code than account, but if we can come to an agreement before my other Lord Pack offers settle, then i don't see why not then. Due to it being an account i'd like to offer 40$ usd.

    Thank you, Charlez.

    I would gladly accept ur offer

    account is still for sale and taking offers

    account sold

    Originally Posted by sorrowriku

    account sold

    Gz mate!
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