Selling Dragon Lord Pack (US)

Discussion in 'Dragon's Prophet Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/31/15.

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  1. Games

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    I have an unused key of a Dragon Lord Pack from the founders sales. It cost 89,99$ and brings items worth ~250$.

    It also gives 90$ Station Cash, which can be used for any SOE game.

    If you want to buy the key, please make a reasonable offer.


    On this website alone, another guy is selling a Dragon lord account for 50$. Since you have the key I'd be willing to pay 60$ USD. The keys were originally 89.99$ but dropped to 67.50$. Looking to surprise my youngest son for his birthday next week, so please let me know if we can come to an agreement. currently have 2 other offers out on DP Lord packs.

    Thank you, Charlez.

    It gives you 90$ worth of Station Cash + hundreds of dollar of in-game items, why would I want to sell the key for less than 90$?

    If anyone is selling an account for 50$ that is fine, but most likely he won't have 9.000 Diamonds left on it but most of them are spent already.

    Wasn't aware that the pack came with 9,000 Station Cash. Speaking of which, since you mentioned diamonds, would your DP Lord Pack code work for the american servers? not 100% sure how today's PC games work. I'm certain its "Station Cash" for the american version, where as Euro is "Diamonds". if I'm not mistaken.

    I understand how beneficial/money saving the pack has in stored, the best I'd be willing to do is 70. If i could afford more i would offer more. If no one else offers you, you atleast know my offer stands for the time being.

    Unless you would be interested in a 100$ Founders Pack Acc for "Warframes". then we could talk more. hmu.

    Thankz, Charlez.

    Key sold to CharlezReaper, very nice buyer!

    How much do you want for this
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