Selling WTS: Best Lvl 90 Ranger (Kronos NA)

Discussion in 'Dragon's Prophet Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/31/15.

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  1. Games

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    Hello everyone, Im brand new to this site. But im looking to sell my account. Real life Happens.

    I've got plenty of Screenshots, But it wont let me post them till i have more Overall Posts

    Lvl 90 Ranger on Kronos Server. Its Built for PvP and PvE.

    PS. Top Ranger on Server. (gives my name out but i don't mind)

    I've done DHT 10man Hard Mode more times to count. Enough times to get Liquid Silver and DHT Crit power Set Bonus.

    No problem at all.

    I've got the rarest dragons in the game.

    Liquid Silver *only 2 on the whole server*

    Nadrica *Alliance PvP Dragon* Only 1 out

    and also Regal Fatespinner *not even out yet*

    I've got a total of 44 Titles and 3 Transformations for that extra Boost!

    Sitting on only 2mil gold right now, but have about 5mil in the Auction house Right now.

    One whole page of the Dragon Chamber open, Which includes about 10+ Ancients with 10Slots, and ALL the dragon Soul Skills you will ever need.

    2 Backpack pages - 2 lines

    60 Slot bank

    All Dragon Lair/Stable Slots are Opened

    Rarest titles so far. including PvP titles and dragon titles.

    I've got a very imaginative House of my own on here, One of the coolest if thats your style.

    I have All Dragon Shard slots open for the Costume's, besides 2 *Chest and feet* 14/16 Open

    I've got around 30mil+ in Dragon Shards in my gears

    Full Purple Equips, MAXED OUT! Better than Max to be exact. Ex: 85(81)

    I hit about 65k's with my Spheres on Average in PvE and 1-3 Shot ANYONE in PvP

    I've put more than 1grand into this account in the time ive played, i know im not going to get that much but id like to think people would pay good for the best ranger account on the server.

    I want to use an Official Website Middleman for this trade. and go through Paypal *if that's how the middleman works*

    Plain and Simple, this account is a BEAST!

    You will get more attention than you need running around with these dragons and these gears.

    Please message me if your a serious buyer, and want Screenshots.


    add my skype @ mouseyunlimited
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