Selling Selling RO 2[NA] Account Sorc w/ full colo

Discussion in 'Ragnarok Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/31/15.

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  1. Games

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    Hey guys. I'm new on this forum and and decided to sell my RO 2 account[NA]

    The main on this account is:

    -Lv 50 Sorc w/ full colo gear. (+5 Honor Knitage Magic staff w/ 2x +7 Agi runes)

    -Empellium cape[1] from a WoE event

    -No VIP

    -2x STC+/ 3x Poisona

    This account has some other alts including:

    -lvl 50 sin & lvl 32 wizard

    -Misc Items:

    -15 Victory medals on sorc (30k blood points)

    -329k blood points on sin

    -7 Founder titles

    -Mushroom Head(M)

    -Random Stuff I don't want to clean out.

    I'm asking for $300 msg me at [email protected] /* */ , you can leave a message here to let me know you msg'd me on my email.


    Bump and Price reduced to $220

    also, add me on skype if interested, "ejvillaluz" pm and we can work something out.

    Account is now sold!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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