Selling Selling Ragnarok Classic Account at cheapest price you will offer!

Discussion in 'Ragnarok Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/31/15.

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  1. Games

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    Im selling my ragnarok classic account because im busy at work now and because of family.

    In this account i have 9 characters. i have 5 TRANS and 4 NON-TRANS

    ASSASSIN CROSS lvl 99 Agi/Str sonic blow build.

    AGI 90x, STR90x, DEX60x

    ASSASSIN CROSS lvl 99 STR/VIT oriented sonic blow build.

    STR 90x, AGI 40x, VIT 35x, DEX 90x

    MASTERSMITH lvl 92

    STR 99, Agi 50x, Vit 50x, DEX 30x

    CHAMP lvl 93

    STR 99, DEX 90x, INT 15x

    SNIPER lvl 86

    AGI 90x, DEX 64x, LUK 40x, VVIT 20

    SUPERNOVICE lvl 80

    INT 74x, DEX 85

    ALCHEMIST lvl 83

    INT 48, DEX 73, LUK 73

    LINKER lvl 64

    assassin lvl 84

    just leave me your offer or you can email me at [email protected] /* */

    just put on the subject if you will email me is RAGNAROK CLASSIC ACCOUNT OFFER so its easy to see on my inbox.

    im paypal verified


    ragnarok classic gamers


    Would you happen to have good gear/cards/items

    Still up?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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