I'm wanting to sell my APB Reloaded account. It has 4 characters. Male & female enf. Male & female crim. I have the FFA Bullshark and an OCA Nano About 650 hours playtime total. 300 days of premium. Pages of JB guns on all characters. Pretty much all of the 99G1C gear (high tops, handwraps, tactical elbow & knees, eye patch, cat ears, cowboy hat, etc) About 600k ingame added up on all characters Desert scarf on 3/4 characters. Assassin weapon skin account bound Mikro wheels & audio, Mikro cheetah kit, Street RX outfit all on male crim. Carrying kit 1 (enf) Performace kit MEGA Pack (crim) Impact Gear (Crim) Goth schoolgirl pack (enf) Citadel (enf) Tactical Gear (enf) Djinn Diablo wheels (crim) Bishada wheels & audio (crim) GForce racepack (crim) Bishada kissaki (enf) Punk clothing pack (crim) Dog ear & pathfinder 3 days (crim) 2 loyalty reward scouts perm on both crims. Colby MK3 account bound Lots of JB weapons in mail on each character. Lots of symbols on all characters. Reply here if interested .; is it obeya server. if so contact me on skype yuval_vilensky Server? How much are you looking for? And what are the ranks of the four characters? Joker NA East Server The main character is around 188, I've been playing a little still so I can't remember the exact ranks of them all and then one is around 140 i think and the other two are around 70. I can log on and get the exact ranks. But I'm just looking for about $70 since there's alot of bought things on every character and plus the 2 legendaries. bump Is it possible I could offer $30 or so, but then you would keep your weapons? I think it could be a fair trade then. The Nano alone is probably worth about 30.