googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1371607061029-2'); }); "" frameBorder=0 width=300 allowTransparency name=google_ads_iframe_/1015505/NEO_FORUM_300x250_0 marginWidth=0 scrolling=no> document.domain = "";var adContent = window.parent["google-ad-content-jc0gnnbfdfx5"];window.parent["google-ad-content-jc0gnnbfdfx5"] = null;document.write(adContent);document.close();'" frameBorder=0 width=0 allowTransparency name=google_ads_iframe_/1015505/NEO_FORUM_300x250_0__hidden__ marginWidth=0 scrolling=no> Hi guys! LVL 52 Crystal 290 I'm quitting... so here cards for sale: 5* Obi pad base LVL60 QGJ base LVL60 Vader 4th ed evomax Vader 4th ed x3 Luke 4th ed evo1 proper 4* Evo Grievous 4/7 evomax proper skill 10 Mundi 4/7 evomax proper skill 20 Plo koon 4/7 evomax proper skill 9 LS BLY 4/7 evomax proper skill 11 Obi pad 6-11 evomax proper Riekan 4/7 evomax proper skill 1 Senate guard 4/7 evomax proper skill 1 Aurra 4/7 evomax proper Lando evo1 proper Leila ec evo1 proper 4* BASE BLY LS Gen. Grievous Jango Tarkin Riekan Agen Kolar Chewbecca Anakin kid x2 Ben Kenobi Ben Kenobi DS Sebulba X2 Nute Boss Nass c3po Kit fisto Luminara x2 CCC LS Tarkin HAN Zuckuss x2 Moff Boushh 3* (Some of the best - I have tons of 3*) 2-1b healer Bail Organa Maul Luke on tatooine etc Please, Pm me! I'll value any offer. I'm a trusted trader on other forums. Selling the whole account... payment with paypal. If you prefer mantain your account I'll sell the entire cards listed here above. I don't have lineid account. However, I'm a decent person, not a scammer. In fact, I don't know how much my cards are valued, so I'll value any offer because I don't want achieve a huge amount. Thank you for checking out my post and sorry for my english. I'm not a native speaker.