Selling SWFC cards for sale

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 3/27/15.

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  1. Games

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    Selling my entire account, or just individual cards. PayPal verified only. I've been scammed once on this site, so I'll be taking more precautions this time. Email me any offers and I will respond.

    [email protected]

    4/7 proper Old Vader $115 SOLD

    4/7 proper Maul Sin $90 SOLD

    Evo2 proper Jabba $35 SOLD

    Evo1 proper Old Dooku $35

    Base Old Vader $30 SOLD

    Base Jango Fett $25 SOLD

    Tons of 4*s. Can find me on Appinvasion: name petesadik.

    4/7 Mas sk 30 $25 HELD

    Edit: May 30, 14 10:38am

    swfc cards for sale
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