Selling Selling LS cards under 45$ - 5* - 4* and 3*

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 6/16/15.

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  1. Games

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    Selling LS card


    4/7 old luke 40$

    4/7 QGJ 30$

    4/7 QGJ 30$

    4/7 QGJ 30$

    6/11 any padawan 40$


    4/7 Lando Calrissian sk 11 20$

    4/7 General Rieekan sk 40 25$

    4/7 Jan Dodonna sk 30 25$

    4/7 obi-wan kenobi padawan 5$

    4/7 Leia Organa [Endor Celebration] x2 10$#

    4/7 Han Solo 5$

    4/7 Boushh x2 5$#

    4/7 Barriss Offee [Healer] 20$

    4/7 mundi 5$

    4/7 Senate Guard 5$

    4/7 CCC 5$

    4/7 r2d2 5$

    4/7 c3po 5$


    4/7 Bail Organa sk 40 25$

    4/7 Bail Organa sk 28 20$

    paiement with paypal


    ill take the 4/7 5* old luke, 6/11 ani padawan and 4/7 bail sk40

    Pm sent

    Originally Posted by C3P0

    Pm sent

    Reeikan still available?

    Pm sent

    Pm sent

    Pm sent

    pm sent

    I'll take 2 4/7 QGJ, skill 40 Bail, 6/11 Obi Pad, 4/7 Lando, 4/7 Mundi

    If old luke 4/7 and ani pad 6/11 still available I'll take it
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