Selling Champions Online Lifetime Sub w/a lvl 40

Discussion in 'Champions Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/30/15.

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  1. Games

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    I'm looking to purchase a Champions Online lifetime subscription account with at least 1 lvl 40 toon on it. If you've obtained any of these I will most likely be more interested in your account:

    Dogz Werewolf Feet, Nephilim Blade, Nephilim Wings, Therakiel's Wings, that long viper hip piece from Serpent Lantern, or certain C-Store costume purchases.

    Also I would like for the level 40 to have at least 1 retcon available for use obvioiusly.

    Offer is $100.

    Christmas is coming & this is a now or never offer.

    I will be awake until 7am EST, so PM me, or if you've got skype you can contact Nazera Pandora, or nazerapandora.

    ---------- Post added 12-13-2010 at 02:43 AM ----------

    Sorry I said that wrong. 11PM-7AM EST is my availability for all days.

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