Selling Battlefield 3& B2K accnt, War Z Pioneer accnt Loadout beta key for defiance steam key

Discussion in 'Defiance Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/30/15.

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  1. Games

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    Selling all of that for defiance steam gift or key



    instead of war z im offering now the origin account with battlefield 3 and the back 2 karkland expansion, an greenmangaming account with Max Payne 3

    all of that for ..well An defiance steam gift or key

    Had done a trade with Kiloborg but the original account owner reclaimed it and changed all the information so my trade is still up

    Just summing it up im trading War Z pioneer Account, Origin account with BF3, And the B2K expansion, and a greenmangaming account with Max Payne 3..

    skype alvarofer0021, i could also accept an defiance account instead of Key
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