Selling WTS [Original Owner]: Defiance PC W/Season Pass

Discussion in 'Defiance Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/30/15.

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  1. Games

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    as title say this is the trusted link

    TRION Defiance and Rift Account - Game Accounts : All other Games -

    i just need the money for some bills so once someone wanna buy it, the account is already on a dedicated and separate email, ready to be given away whit everything secret question and all. so yea my asking price is 60$ Paypal verified and all. so please buy it fast, so i can pay my bill's!

    This text is the text on the website

    Defiance Full Game

    Character Whit 700 Ego rating and Finished the story whit access to San Francisco, + 10k script and around 300SC.

    The Account have Season Pass: which will give you the Next 5 Expansion the game Will Release. for no additional cost.

    Exclusive Vehicle and Costume like the Limited Edition HellBug Cap that only Season pass Pre-Order people have.

    Rift Account

    Full Game Buyed And Whit Expansion Thanks to Raptr

    Full Raptr Rewards For Elite members whit mounts and items.

    Special Mount for having 3 Friend Subscribed to the game.

    1 toon, Lvl 55 Warrior Ready For Tank and DPS PVP Tempest

    tons of collectible collection

    End Of Nation Alpha Access and Secure Beta access.

    All of this in a Secure Email, that will be given to the buyer, after payment answer whit in 24 hours is garantied.

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