Selling Defiance Delux Edition

Discussion in 'Defiance Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/30/15.

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  1. Games

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    Hi there!

    I want to sell my Defiance account, or want to trade for a Nether steam gift!

    As the title says its a deluxe edition wich comes with one character, you can delete if you want.

    The Digital Deluxe Edition includes:

    Ark Hunter Infiltrator Outfit

    Hydra Heavy Weapon

    In game title: Badlands Drifter

    VBI Sentinel Shield

    30 Day scrip boost

    30 Day XP boost

    Lock Box

    +5 Inventory

    Unique Vehicle Color

    Idk the price, makes me offer, but i want first of all a Nether early acces key at steam( not 72 hours beta key!)

    If you have any other questions, let me know, add me at steam, i have the same username.

    Only SERIOUS peoples.

    (Off: i have some other mmo accounts, like Aion collector edition, HoN, etc, send me message or add me at steam)

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