Selling Defiance Cheap and fast

Discussion in 'Defiance Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/30/15.

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  1. Games

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    Hello i am looking for 1 good account defieance.

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    i have a defiance account nothing to great on it level 300ish if interested im looking for around 25 dollars OBO if interested add me on skype Facebook.:sorrowriku

    i have what you need, i have a good defiance account eco:1000,all 255 the ark code inside, the recruit a friends suit and title,a legendary weapon, the preorder challanger and the trial black challanger, 40k script and 100k savage money add me on skype so we can talk

    skype laura.histner

    I have a good account 1k Ego lots of rare weapons blue and purple weapons and some legendary orange, i also have the charger sword. Skype: Blazing992
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