Selling Limited Edition Defiance Account + LOTRO Account for GW2 Account

Discussion in 'Defiance Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/30/15.

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  1. Games

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    I have 2 accounts I am willing to give someone for GW2.

    The first one is Defiance. I have a EGO level 720 with 90% of all outfits unlocked. It also comes with the Dodge Challenger and many other vehicles. The character has finished the story line and has all rare gear.

    The second account is LOTRO. It has a lvl 35 Elf Champion with 500+ Turbine points and comes with the Steely Dawn Items. XP Tombs have not been using meaning you have 5 hours of 100% XP for everything. It also comes with the Evendim Quest Pack. I have used this account any many events so keep in mind it has many event items including mounts and cosmetics.

    Message me if you are interesting in trading for these accounts. I am also accepting $50 for both accounts.


    does the lotro account have the expansion packs ? if so im interested. I have a clean gw2 account with all the info cd key etc.. l

    If the defiance one is still up for grabs msg me I am interested
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