Sold FINAL SALE Selling Simple Rick - Former Citadel of Ricks GM - 3,135,453 in Total Hero Power

Discussion in 'Hero Wars Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by monis21, 10/8/21.

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  1. monis21

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    Pretty soon, I may just leave the game entirely and stop updating this page. Grab this account now before I lose all steam and it becomes lost forever!
    my discord is : julietta#4930

    I'm tired of the game and would love to re-coup a fraction of the money spent on Rick Sanchez. He would be completely yours, and would be happily accepted in any Gold guild in Servers 1-3 upon request, should you choose to not stick with The Citadel of Ricks.

    Look, let's be real. You got hooked on the game under false pretenses.. just like the rest of us. And now you're here. Over the course of the next several months - years, you will likely be spending FAR MORE than the asking price here. Do yourself a favor and skip the time and expense; I assure you, this is the much cheaper option!

    Get your hands on 2+ years' of work done for you. Sure, you could just spend the money on your own account from scratch, but you'd be missing out on all of the 4x emeralds sales, guild member purchases, events, etc. You'd spend a lot more in time and/or money doing it that way, so skip the hassle and buy Simple Rick!

    I will be continuing to remain active on the account until it is sold, or until I get tired of playing all together. Make sure you buy it before I increase the price to match the improvements or miss your chance entirely!

    Heroes (Includes Pet Patronage on Aurora, Celeste, Qing Mao, Yasmine, Martha, Sebastian, Isaac and Galahad)

    - All Heroes Owned & Level 130
    - All Heroes 6-Star (including Tristan) except Alvanor at 4-Star
    - All Heroes MINIMUM Rank of Violet
    - 10 Heroes at Max Rank
    - 100% Max with 8 Heroes*:

    Aurora - 146,000 - *Cain Patronage*
    Celeste - 143,986 - *Axel Patronage*
    Qing Mao - 142,131 - *Fenris Patronage*
    Galahad - 138,523 - *King Biscuit Patronage*
    Martha - 134,082 - *Oliver Patronage*
    Sebastian - 133,944 - *Albus Patronage*
    *Isaac - 128,091 (Glyphs: 4th -> 28/50 - Purposefully low to activate his ultimate more often) *Mara Patronage*
    Yasmine - 121,453

    - Almost Max With: (Anything not mentioned is max)

    Orion - 120,770 (Rank: Red +1 (1 item away from Red +2), Skins: 1st & 2nd -> Max; 3rd -> 30/60; 4th -> 16/60) - *Merlin Patronage*
    Jorgen - 110,025 (Rank: Red, Skins: 1st, 2nd & 4th -> Max; 3rd -> 35/60, Glyphs: 1st, 2nd & 5th -> Max, 3rd & 4th -> 45/50)
    Morrigan - 109,944 (Missing 2 items, Armor & Magic Defense Glyphs: 45/50, 2nd skin -> 2/60)
    Nebula - 106,298 - (Rank: Red +1, Skins: 1st -> 50/60; 2nd, 3rd & 4th -> 25/60)

    - Very Close to Max With: (Anything not mentioned is max)
    Cleaver - 103,144 (Rank: Red, bottom-right item, Skins: 1st & 4th -> Max; 2nd -> 15/60; 3rd -> 52/60; 4th -> 1/60, Artifacts: All Level 100, 1st -> 6-Star; 2nd & 3rd -> 5-Star)

    - Honorable Mentions:

    Jhu - 73,236 - Max Artifacts, Max Gift of the Elements
    Faceless - 70,244 - Max Level Artifacts all 5-Star, Max Gift of the Elements
    Maya - 63,092 - Max Level Artifacts all 5-Star, Max Gift of the Elements

    Titans (All at 6-Stars, Level 120)

    - Main Team - Power Level 806,794: (MAX EXCEPT THE TOTEMS)

    Angus - 172,826 (100% Max)
    Hyperion - 161,933 (100% Max) - Powered by a 4-Star, Level 120 Water Totem
    Araji - 157,761 (100% Max) - Powered by a 2-Star, Level 113 Fire Totem
    Eden - 157,166 (100% Max)
    Sylva - 157,108 (100% Max)
    Earth Totem - 1-Star, Level 120

    - Others: (At Level 120)

    Avalon - 135,422 (Skin: 44/60, Artifacts: 1st -> 5-Star, Level 91; 2nd -> 5-Star, Level 119; 3rd -> 6-Star, Level 120)
    Sigurd - 118,364 (Skins: 1st -> 36/60; 2nd -> 31/60, Artifacts: 1st -> 4-Star, Level 84; 2nd -> 4-Star, Level 104; 3rd -> 5-Star, Level 120)
    Nova - 89,709 (Skin: 28/60, Artifacts: 1st -> 3-Star, Level 38; 2nd -> 3-Star, Level 36; 3rd -> 4-Star, Level 120)
    Mairi - 87,818 (Skin: 1/60, Artifacts: 1st -> 3-Star, Level 36; 2nd -> 2-Star, Level 34; 3rd -> 4-Star, Level 120)
    Moloch - 80,032 (Skins: 1st -> 21/60; 2nd -> 1/60, Artifacts: 1st -> 3-Star, Level 35; 2nd -> 4-Star, Level 56; 3rd -> 1-Star, Level 120)
    Vulcan - 75,063 (Skins: 2/60, Artifacts: 1st -> 3-Star, Level 41; 2nd -> 2-Star, Level 39; 3rd -> 1-Star, Level 120)
    Ignis - 71,715 (Skins: 1/60, Artifacts: 1st -> 3-Star, Level 40; 2nd -> 2-Star, Level 38; 3rd -> 1-Star, Level 93
    - Totems:

    Water Totem: 4-Star, Level 120
    Earth Totem: 1-Star, Level 120
    Fire Totem: 2-Star, Level 113


    - All at least 5-Stars, all Level 130

    Axel - 181,943 (100% Max)
    Cain - 171,933 (Max except only 5-stars)
    Fenris - 127,567 (Violet +2)
    Mara - 119,762 (Violet +2)
    Oliver - 100,334 (Violet +1)
    Albus - 83,651 (Violet)
    Merlin - 83,107 (Violet)
    King Biscuit - 83,107 (Violet)

    Other Details:

    Server 3 - Olympus
    3,135,453 in Total Hero Power
    1,464,917 in Total Titan Power
    VIP 15 (Max)
    Valkyrie's Favor - 16+ Weeks in a row
    Arena & Grand Arena - Can get 1st easily
    Campaign - All 3-stars
    Outland - All Defeated
    Dungeon - Level 16,921
    100,000,000+ gold all the time
    10,000+ emeralds
    Over 6,000 Huge Experience Potions
    10+ Lesser Hero Soul Stone Chests
    600,000+ Pet Potions
    500+ Chaos Cores
    Arena Frame - 11/30
    Close to max with a handful of hero artifacts and item fragments, as well.
    my discord is : julietta#4930

    If you need anything else, just ask! Can provide pictures upon request, as well as any other information.

    20210621083211523.png 20210621083211745.png
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    Attached Files:

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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