Selling [TUTORIAL] Download music from

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Games, 7/29/15.

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  1. Games

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    I find few songs i liked on Imeem but i could not download it with anything i tried. Then, idea popped into my head. I asked myself, if some file loads in browser, it should be temporarily be saved somewhere in my computer, since i can listen to song again when it is fully loaded. Then i found a way to have these songs, and in MP3 at the finish.


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    Freez Flv to Mp3 Converter

    Download Free 3GP Video Converter, Free iPod Video Converter, Free DVD Ripper, Flv to MP3 AVI Converter.


    1. Find a song you want. When founded, open and let the song to completely load. Also you could sign up to Imeem because it is free and you will get access to many songs.

    2. Now, don't close your browser or the page that has loaded song, and go to Documents and Settings\Local SettingsTemp.

    In there, you need to find some file that starts with fla and ends with .tmp.

    For example, when i loaded the song, the file fla27F.tmp.

    ADVICE: I deleted all files in temp folder before i loaded the song. It helped me to navigate and find the right file.

    If you try to copy it, you will notice error that you cannot copy because it is in use. This is where Unlocker is used.

    3. Download it and install. Remember to add it into shell while installing. Now, right-click on that .tmp file in temp folder. Click Unlocker.

    Now, Unlocker is started.

    1. Click on process name

    2. Click on dropbox and select Copy

    3. Type in song name and give it .flv extension

    4. Select destination and click Save

    Now, file should be copied.

    4. Now, you need is to download Freez Flv to Mp3 Converter. Install it and run.

    Click Add Files button. There select song(s) you downloaded and you want to convert. Click OK.

    Now click Start Converting. Files should be converted to destination folder you choosed.


    So if IMEEM changes some way to load files, you can still download it, and they cannot stop this version of downloading from Immem. This works for all sites you can imagine.

    Hope you like it.

    Credits go to LUKSi from

    wow needed this tnx!!!!


    *added some tags
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