how do i pu a php website on the internet? html is easy but i do not know how to do with php... i have mysql client etc but dunno how it worth it make me that when i upload the files any help possible? mysql is a #... for make a php website u dont need a #... else if you want to users register, or a forum where to place posts etc... ( for save the data on the db ) so you make a php website exactly the same as a html ones... but if you need a db , then just make a normal like site in html with php , and then integrate it with mysql... maybe phpmyadmin'll help you manage the dbs... By the other hand, i dont know yet at all whats the code for doing so, i know you got to code in your php files, the right code for call the mysql and use it .. so you'll use regular php codes for call mysql like if you are using a font color code i hope these helps your way out ^^ cya