Selling badword list!

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Games, 7/29/15.

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  1. Games

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    Hey all

    Yesterday I surfed aroung and searched for a password list oder something. But what I found was cooler A badword list for your homepage!

    Google & this site

    Credits to me, and everyone that has written words on this site.


    Now you can even download the .txt file!


    nice^^ rep+


    Thank you. Hope you'll like

    I know this is a badword list. But i dont think this so good for d3..

    If you would remove the quote stating various curse words, i'd be happy =)

    I think I should censor all the words^^

    Maybe you could explain to me how I could have use of this on my website? What functinos etc. it has.

    You could use it in a censor script (Vbulletin comes with one installed )

    not really sure how you would do it though...

    Looks interesting, but i can't really get it..

    What is that for anyway..


    Originally Posted by elot

    Looks interesting, but i can't really get it..

    What is that for anyway..


    its just a badword list lol... open it and read it
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