Selling [GUIDE] How to install vbulletin software!

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Games, 7/29/15.

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  1. Games

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    Step 1: After you buy vbulletin,DOWNLOAD it and unpack it to a folder on your desktop!

    Step 2: Open your ftp client,Go to Upload/Includes/

    Step 3: put in your MYSQL info


    $config['#']['dbname']='Insert # Name Here' $config['#']['technicalemail']='Insert Email address to send errors to' $config['MasterServer']['servername'] ='Insert Host MySQL Server Here. Your webhost should have it.'

    Step 4: Save all changes,and rename the file to config.php

    Step 5: Upload all files to your web site,after that enter your website URL and this: /forum/install/install.php

    Step 6: You should get a screen saying to enter your customer number,DO THIS!

    Step 7: Put in your customer number and press enter install system

    Step 8: You'll get a screen with Misc. Options to fill out,such as your website name and where to save cookies,Fill this out and continue

    Step 9: YOUR DONE But wait,one more thing! you MUST Delete "install.php" to enter the admin panel
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