Selling Online "Photoshop"

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Games, 7/29/15.

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  1. Games

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    I've recently stumbled upon this bookmark.

    Basically these 2 links are online remakes of Photoshop. Nearly everyone of you, who is a bit interested in graphic design, has already thought about, whether he/she should buy it or not. (If not, get it from...some web-sites?)

    That's the solution and as far as I've seen it's completely the same in the matter of functionality.

    1.) Pixlr

    2.) Sumo

    I wish people downloaded PhotoShop, illegaly.

    xiN, i do... EEEERHMMM!!! I mean We do!... Uhm, that came out the wron way... i meant we buy it *cough*

    but for this find

    thanks for the links. Adobe is supposed to be making their own online version for anyone to use as well.

    thx for links, nice one

    Cheers for the links, but for now I think i'll stick to my CS2

    Thanks for the share dude.

    made German Video on it

    an alternative method to photoshop

    Dude this is awesome
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