Selling WTT/S Forsaken Beta

Discussion in 'Forsaken World Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/29/15.

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  1. Games

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    Are you in phase 1 and able to play? How much?

    yes I can log in right now...


    Congratulations! Your account has now been activated for the first phase of Forsaken World's Closed Beta, which is now live.

    - Perfect World Entertainment Staff

    Hello what are you looking for?

    I have Eq2 Lvl 80 Acc on US Vox Server.

    I have a Wow Eu account i dont need anymore with expansion incoming (i already have 5 lvl 80 and they are even too much lol) and i have a Global Agenda Lvl 30 account.

    Or what's the price for the account?

    Add me msn: [email protected] /* */

    Sorry none of that interest me really as I have most of the same just collecting dust

    I might consider $$ - just PM me an offer.

    up ^^
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