Selling WTS OR WTT vampire on eydra and arena alt

Discussion in 'Forsaken World Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/29/15.

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  1. Games

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    The vampire is lvl 84 (almost lvl 85) and 4.3k usd spend on it.

    I want to sell but I prefer to trade for an aria account and an account on any other server, and obviously they must be good.

    Vampire stats: (unbuffed)

    lvl 84

    77k hp (unbuffed)

    7.8k attack

    550+ acc

    lvl 84 mast

    lvl 80 resistances

    23 critical chance

    26 critical dodge

    284 critical def

    343 cirtical dmg

    seaon 2 arena sets

    12v12's rings and necklaces

    Arena alt is a bard with lv 20 mast

    and 3k attack lvl 74

    - - - Updated - - -

    contact me at [email protected] /* */

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