Sold GL- Loaded account TH Melissa, Iris, Megumin, Chris.. 27,000 crystals 20

Discussion in 'Konosuba Fantastic Days Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MidnightDT, 10/4/21.

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  1. MidnightDT

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    Selling pretty loaded account. Level 37 story beaten up to chapter 7 on normal. Up to 4 ish on hard I forget. Plenty more to do.

    Account features the best and most desirable characters as well as the last two free to play swimsuit waifu healers mia and Cecily. And lots more

    Account has atleast 27,000 crystals for summoning. The new swimsuit waifu banner is here with aqua and more and they are S tier units!! You can summon on them if you want with all this currency.

    Looking for PayPal F&F...

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    #1 MidnightDT, 10/4/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 5/1/23
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