Hi, i want to sell my battle.net account, i only played hearthstone with this account. 108 leg - %95 standard compliant - most of them can turn into dust 200 epic - % 95 standard compliant - most of them can turn into dust 295 dust - 2425 gold 8 Years account, all adventures are open 7 golden hero, total wins 6600 +, 79 cardback, priest 2080 win, paladin 1080 win + 7 golden hero Currently up to date, many standard decks can be made. Thank you.
Update: CORE SET + 100 Leg (52 S / 48 W) + 140 Epic (68 S / 72 W) + All rare and common standart cards + 390 rare and 700 common wild cards. + Legalcy (186 common + 160 rare) + initiate. All adventure is open and all cards can be taken with dust. 1240 dust, 250 gold, 6 tavern ticket. 7 golden hero, total wins 6800 +, 80 + cardback,
Hi, i'm very interested by your offer, just wanted to ask what hero portraits do you have? ^^ Have a nice day!