Selling Warface acc RU change on EU wf acc

Discussion in 'Warface Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/29/15.

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  1. Games

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    acc details: type 97, mcmillan ap6, tavor ctar 21 (karkom smg) and other things like katana, glock etc. NOTICE: I don't want to sell it, I want to change it on EU wf acc.


    Are you trading RU account for EU account?

    yes my friend

    I only got NA account, will you trade me NA account for RU account?

    I got a level 27 account with a T27 accuracy 7, Katana, Richmond RIS, VIP for 19 days left, Desert eagle, AWM, ACR CQB to trade for a decent RU account, this account in on the EU and NA servers of warface and I will trade it for an RU account

    write a private message and tell me please on what server do you have the character and weapons?

    i sent your a private mssg
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