Selling Warface EU Account (Alot of Kredit Items)(3.25 KD)

Discussion in 'Warface Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/29/15.

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  1. Games

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    Pictures First!

    Has permenant girl skins for Rifleman and Engineer - Also have CSF Engineer skin.

    Has the following guns permanent:


    R4 Winter Camo;


    CCR CQB;

    ZX84 UMP;

    SVK Jungle.

    Has Katana and Kukri blade as well.

    151 Anti Personal Mines/300+ Blue smokes. 35k+ Warface dollars. 2800 Crowns. 2 weeks of VIP and Titan Vest.

    Has all the new helmets (Health Regen helmets).

    Account has 3.25 KD right now (Legit, I can show gameplay) and its rank 34. (250/50 games won)

    Current offer is 50$ USD, Taking offers, just message me please.

    EDIT: Still has name change.

    EDIT2: Added Pictures.


    Hello, as the tittle says im willing to trade my warface acc for any acc with the Miller AP6 Sniper rifle

    I have ,AC7 smg , Katana,GAROTA VSS ,, Deagle,Boas, and alot more

    Superiior Helmets

    Titan Vest

    Combat Gloves

    and more

    Add me on skype: bgonza34

    or just reply here

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