Well I'm trying to get a team together to help me with a new project, that if goes to plan will be very profitable to all party's involved. Now all I can say at the moment is it is a game, and i thought there's no better place to look for my graphics team than in the Requests section ! If you prove to be good enough and can meet deadlines, you will have a part in my project. I'm looking for people that can do very smooth non-technical "cuddly" models and general logos for them. So if you can meet those criteria than be imaginative and show me what you can do in this thread, no need to upload the model just post a screen shot, and if its a graphic just upload to image shack. Thanks, Rufus no one has posted here in like, years but il be on the commitee, Finale....lol here's my web site Kindakoolman123's artwork