hey there I was wondering if there is anyone out there able to make me a header for my private server website . Am looking for something like Midgard WoW . There are many good places to get wow renders such as Planet Renders v3 but im not really bothered which ones as it makes it easier for the designer info: Name of the server: WoWsome If you could do like what midgard did and make it "World of WoWsome" that would be uber cool :laugh: If this does take you a long time and you feel you want more than my rep then we can discuss ive done this much so far but the writing was done by a professional for midgard, like a 30 - 50 VERY experenced person to make it that fast this will take me normally 2 Weeks but since im on holidays it will take me 3 - 4 days here this is what ive done so far, oh and btw, il resize it to your mesurements, just tell me anything i can improove on like the background or somthing, just means more learning 4 me lol looking nice but just one thing the render on the right looks a bit dodgey maybe something like Planet Renders // Renders - PC Game Renders/World of Warcraft for the left and Planet Renders // Renders - PC Game Renders/World Of Warcraft for the right sure il do that i just did it really quick since i had to go someplace il do that now nice! May need to add some text in some places saying server name, instant 70 etc but not until we have it properly running thanks for working on it i have made the banner for Midgard WOW .. so i could try make one for you too : welcome back freshfish =o damn it if you are this means i can't gain rep, thats exactly y you never hardly see new members become big. Big members become bigger and noobs become noobyer, 1/100 make it though like me