I would to request a CSS Spray logo for my css team heres the base or prototype of the logo (did it in paint) But please do fix the lines and make them straight The text at the bottem should be |mk.Gaming [PG] colors can be in red/black/white around 450x450 thanks! repping anyone who trys i tried T_T thanks bunch xellos nice ^^ 10/10!!! gj nice I will also make you one, I might be able to put the logoy thing on a pair of CS gloves (I will do it after I play CS:S ~2hours from now) Edit: Whala maybe not as fancy as Xellos' but it is transparent and already in the format needed I couldn't upload anywhere so I rar'ed it THATS JUST THE PNG THE ACTUAL SPRAY IS IN THE ATTACHMENT!!! How do i open .tga extension? XD sry for asking for efford You don't have to open it you just have to import it while in CS