I've been on many forums in the past, and I've always had the bad avatars I make and some text as a signature. When I fell upon this request and saw what some people on here can do, the little light bulb over my head lit up. For an Avatar, I'd like a Human Warrior of any kind, prefferably Warcraft III based, but any kind of Warrior would be great, as long as he's human. Zoomed on the face and chest, with Krath written under the head, close or on the chest. Fancy lettering, of course. I don't really -need- a signature, but I'd like one. Possibly another human warrior, but at another angle, maybe attacking to one side, with a one handed hammer and a shield. On the other side, towards where he's attacking would be written Clan WKRE on it. And a little Krath in the bottom right corner. Thanks in advance. Wow! That is a big request, confining us into such a tight spot, i mean, there is no freedom here. You would probably be better off with making one yourself, but i know we have alot of skilled people here... I just know that this is way too specific for me. The most of us do use stocks and renders to create signatures and avatar. Therefore specific details like "maybe attacking to one side, with a one handed hammer and a shield" are way to hard, imho. Dunno about others, whether they are able to 'connect' different stock snippets or not. Either way it's hell a lot of work to meet your requirements. If you find a fitting stock or a snippet of it, I'd be very pleased. First off, I didn't know this was all that complicated, I apologize. I have no knowledge what so ever about these things. I don't need a signature, so if impossible to make one, that's fine. I'd just like to have an avatar. Second, what is a stock or a snippet? Once again, I have no knowledge what so ever about this. When you are going to make a signature, there are three options: You can: -use a stock photo: This is a full image, with the wanted character/object and a background. If you take a picture of your dog, then there will be a background on the picture, like the floor, maybe a wall. -use a render: A render is a cut-out. If you take a stock photo and cut out the wanted character/object, then you have a render. A render look more to if you take your dog to a photograph, and he takes a picture so the background is totally white. In a render, you are supposed to only see the wanted objective, and no surroundings/disturbances. -Draw: You take up your pencil and draw your dog, as simple as that. I hope that cleared up I do not know what he meant by snippet, but stock = stock photo. I will see what I can do for you about the avatar, but if you want the signature, then you should acquire the images (hopefully renders) yourself. Places to look? Try here or use google Keywords:Warcraft III render Thanks, that helped out a lot. I actually followed Serverman's advice and tried learning to make my one. I have done decently so far, my only problem is that when I paste the render onto my background, the render's black background appears... Help would be appreciated. I made me a signature. You intentionally did the black boarder around the signature or is that just a mistake? If it's the latter one, try choosing a transparent background instead of a RGB one. You can so when you start a new picture (where you can set up the dimensions etc.) Other than that, commendable effort,Sir. =) Edit:// Snippet = Cutted thing/Render. Meant like, you give me the photo and I'll cut out the 'snippet' you want to have. It's intentional, I think it looks better that way with the Knight's helmet standing out a bit. And thanks, though I still am waiting on an avatar!