Hey Folks, previously announcing our new spoilers we are looking for several small icons which will be displayed in the vBulletin editor. Size 15*15 px. Perhaps a text on it like: S-u, then one with S-e, then one with S-p, for all the spoilers we will have. I would really appreciate your efforts and will award 25 Rep to the winner. Regards, Hendrik ;_; Well, this is my first time making icons so I have no idea what to do. Just giving it a try before I go to bed. I'll work on it when I come back from school tomorrow. Blah I'll try to whip something up after church and before my friend comes over. edit: Attached all 3 i think we just got pwned...... Thanks both dog_keeper and Pan . Indeed good contributions, but just to give you another idea (since i wont be home for weeks) why cant we make it to match the or buttons? Wouldn't that be nice? Originally Posted by Serverman Indeed good contributions, but just to give you another idea (since i wont be home for weeks) why cant we make it to match the or buttons? Wouldn't that be nice? Thats what I tried to do but I couldn't match the font -.- You can make a ellipse marquee around what you want, Ctrl + Shift + I to inverse the marquee, Ctrl + U change it using Hue/Saturation when all else fails. If It was gradient I would have more trouble with this method. P.s. I don't know why the rep and thanks are not going transparent it's in .png, maybe that's not accepted at transparency anymore. Only .gif is. Oh well whatever. My Example