Hi there You want a siG? then request from me :laugh: i only make for people with 5 or more rep.. I need to know these things: Text Color/s Render/image ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some of my best sigs: 'd like to request a signature please then, here's the render: The colours should be something like your 3rd wallpaper () The writing should be RAGE (Kind of crazy font) ^^ Lol I'm paranoid Planet Renders // Renders - Other Cartoon Renders/Bart Simpson colours: I would mind bright and colourful colours, like if you see MTV they have kind of colourful stuff, that's what I would like for this sig. Text: Drunk4Ever Here is your sig Drunky ZOMG ! When I can, Spread ^^. woW ur sigs rockz I want to request 1 TexT: oMiDe Colors: same like ur 4rd sig { Render Planet Renders // Renders - Movie and TV Show Renders/Michael Schofield Fonts: kind of Ice Fonts Just_kb: Ok ? This is the Font This is the Render The text is cblt PS: If u can make it flash thanks freshfish (when i can ) Originally Posted by Drunky render: Planet Renders // Renders - Other Cartoon Renders/Bart Simpsoncolours: I would mind bright and colourful colours, like if you see MTV they have kind of colourful stuff, that's what I would like for this sig. text: Drunk4Ever I mean the backround to be just like your sig, except much more colourful, like MTV PUB style. Cblt, what did u men with this? This is the Font it is an image