Sold VIP 15. 1.166.000 power ... Water March 182k Shadow March 100k Eeart March 110

Discussion in 'Infinity Kingdom Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by CiprianRosu, 10/1/21.

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  1. CiprianRosu

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    I want to quit playing this game ...i invested arround 5k euro in this account ... some of them bad ... i want to get rid of it ... tell me your offert

    VIP 15 ... lvl 40 castle ... let's say 85% technologi upgrades .. a lot of heroes .. lowest building lvl 37.. and those are farms .. spearman baracks lvl 39 the rest are lvl 40... i can provide screenshots for what you ask and we settle for a price on server 49 !
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