Heroes of The Storm Alpha account - 35$

Discussion in 'Heroes of the Storm Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/29/15.

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  1. Games

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    I'm selling an EU Battle.net account with Heroes of The Storm Alpha access for 35$

    I would prefer to sell it to somebody who have feedback/rep on the site.

    I'll provide everything you'll need to gain full access to the account:

    - Secret Question/Answer

    - Every account information

    - Will change the account Email address to yours

    I'm the original owner, it's a completely clear account, I never used it.

    You'll be the first who will start the game.

    Payment method:

    Send the payment through Paypal as friends&family.

    Send me a PM on the site or leave a message here with your Skype, I'll add you and we can talk about the details. I'll give you every help you need, guide you through the process to obtain the account and be able to play.

    My Skype: Paladrain85

    - - - Updated - - -

    It's not untouched anymore, the character is lvl 5, but the price can be 35$

    - - - Updated - - -

    hey, no I'm not. what's your name on skype? I can add you if you can't find me


    hi are u from laos? because i see 1 skype account and is from laos
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