Its time to move on and i would want to sell my account. It is a level 53 and has been played for over 3 years. the account has items like: Chaotic Slayer Mystic Rank 6 Necromancer Rank 10 Undead Goat Rank 1 Alpha Doomega Rank 1 Legendary Hero Rank 1 Oracle Rank 1 Tiger Master Badge (Fyre Born Tiger mount and armor) Shadow Flame Badge (Shadow Flame armor) Light Caster Badge (Light Caster armor) Zorbak Pet Bank Crimson Dragoon A Friend Of a Friend Fall Fighter Holiday Ritz Undead Champion Royal Wedding Tech Archer Evolved Blade Master Lightning DragonSworn Champion Set And Aloooooooooooooooooooooot more AND MANY RARE PETS AND THE HOUSE LOOKS GREAT. Not to forget that the account has 740,000 gold and 1179 legion tokens. Skyguard rep is rank 10 so you can get membership to get the armors and classes.