Selling  High End  Android and iOS A MUST HAVE - THIS EMPIRE HAS IT ALL

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XV FFXV - A New Empire Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MagicFairy13, 9/26/21.

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  1. MagicFairy13

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    This citadel 73 has ALL research trees gold, except the Adventurer tree, which has a good amount done, it has 7 expansions, 3 Garrisons and a level 6 wonder, it has 35 million t7 and 78 troops, almost 2 million undying, 65 Tundra Kujatas, 150k bunker bomber Airships, has a couple hundred thousand elemental troops, all 8 heros, most are over level 100, some at 150, have Shiva and Levi, crystal nexus arcaneum monster pen oracle order of heroes mythic Forge Merc pits adventurers hall all unlocked and maxed commander center and elemancy hall unlocked and maxed has 10 gear presets for each hero has a bunch of gold set of gear the list goes on and on, it is too grade for this realm

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