Sold   Top Tier AoW Account

Discussion in 'Art of War Legions Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AoWAnonymous, 9/24/21.

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  1. AoWAnonymous

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    My Location:
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    Arthur 17
    Selene, Chione, Aly, Drake, Dracula 16+
    Ivan, Davison, Seondeok 15+
    All Rare and Epic Heroes at 15

    Over 100 level 10 troops with 40+ lvl 9s
    Over 1000 scrolls, 60k gems, 6000 Honor tokens, and 50m gold....and going higher each day.

    Over $30k in the account.

    Top 10 Arena
    Highly Competitive in Honor Hunting and Hero Trials. Screenshot_20210924-201203_Art of War.jpg Screenshot_20210924-201151_Art of War.jpg
    Screenshot_20210924-201203_Art of War.jpg Screenshot_20210924-201151_Art of War.jpg Screenshot_20210924-202007_Art of War.jpg Screenshot_20210924-202051_Art of War.jpg
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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