Hi, Im looking for an account with the little prince season 100% done, inlcuding ultimate. I dont care about the rest of the past seasons. My priority is the last one, I discovered the game one day before the event ends so was imposible to me to get anything. So, important stuff I want: - Ultimate Gifts: Hair, Rose, Pajama, necklace, swordman outfit. - Paid stuff: Little Prince Fox Backpack (Prop), Little Prince Scarf Cape. Optional but really appreciate it (And I ll pay more for it): Little Prince Asteroid Jacket (Cape). The login account must be Gmail whitout phone recovery or any kind or suspicious stuff (I was already scammed ;_; ) , or Facebook. because I dont have an IOS device. And of course im not rich, so I cant afford a 300 us/eur account. Thanks in advance and feel free to make offers.