Be the proud owner of one of the most powerful L:82 bases around WC:RA. Unleash hell on maxed player bases with all the latest units that is up to date with current meta and latest MK equipment blueprints. Started playing during the covid pandemic lockdown and have spent thousands of dollars and managed the player XP to remain at low level, whilst being able to farm/battle in war against maxed players. The base upgrades have been well thought through by networking with top players in the game. Without the extensive and expensive upgrades to all the turret platforms and resources productions, the account has been managed to upgrade structures for optimum performance and defence. The base is quite resilient with maxed walls, and turrets and not to mention maxed defender platoons, with the right layout it can make even the most hardened players frustrated. Though subject to change as the game progresses through different meta cycles, most of the foundation have already been set with utilities (tech/commons) to keep up with all the newest and latest units that will be released over the next few months. Giving the owner of this account the peace of mind, and ready for battle against any player in the game. All you needs to do is keep up with new units and all its requirements such as Unit Blueprints, criticals and MK equipment blueprints. Currently the capacity for Thorium is 325 million and 360 million capacity for Metal. To complete big upgrades max the capacity by hitting other players and then top up the rest of the resources from SpecOps/Feast & Grim Winter events and monthly alience objective resource prize rewards. See YouTube video post to get a demo of this awesome L:81 WC:RA account. Owned by Ninja Assassin from BORG alience. To get more information on this account you can contact me on: Discord: Ninja Assassin#2692 email: [email protected] Note: No time waster, open to offers that is reasonable.
UPDATE: Sunday the 29th Day of August 2021 New upgrades: -Garage L:7 maxed (Set for LV meta) -Garage Defenders maxed (Set for LV meta) -2 x Heavy Platforms maxed along with 1 x Heavy Flak -Heavy Transformer 1 x L:5 - 1 x L:3 -Titanus Fixed wing unit 100% maxed with all equipments unlocked and complete.
UPDATE: 23rd September 2021 NEW UPGRADES: L6 Heavy Gustaf x 1 L13 Power Plant L6 Heavy Transformer x 2 Maxed Light Vehicle (Aquila) and major MK equipment blueprints for Base Defense and Offense.
I have dropped my price for quick sell, You cannot go wrong with $1,000 with this account with all the maxed units and maxed base contents with all its utilities. Contact me directly on the address provided below. Will accept PayPal transaction and make arrangements for secure transfer of this awesome account. Discord: Ninja Assassin#2692 email: [email protected] Note: No time wasters, open to offers that is reasonable.