Selling WTS Tera Eu Veteran Account w/ 14days remaining...

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by No Name, 1/31/15.

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  1. No Name

    No Name
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    WTS Tera Eu Veteran Account w/ 14days remaining on tera club 3 lvl 65 slayer, zerk and reaper + 3 level 60 lancer, sorcerer and another reaper(crafting purposes). Master at all crafting profession all w/ their own respective mounts w/ effects e.g stamina and hp. Slayer is the main full ambit weap and gloves +12, armor and boots mw'ed +9 it also have an empowered brooch, full accessory set(power set). Zerk has +12 ambit weapon rest +12 devastator. Reaper is full +12 deva also. The 3 level 60, sorc has +12 deva weap and rest deva +9. Lancer is the one for pvp w/ favored 1 +9 equips. The account also has 145kg on bank. Server is killian. PM if interested
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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