Sold Selling top AoW account fast and cheap Lvl 15.2 Chione and 1.6M strong army

Discussion in 'Art of War Legions Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ChioneAoW, 9/20/21.

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  1. ChioneAoW

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    Quiting so I want to sell my account fast that I have invested in quite a bit. Take a look at photos! 20 lvl 10 meta units and lots of lvl 9 with spare ones too! 30M gold, 10k medals and 20k gems!!! Rare units in abundance! Gems Growth Fund and Hunting Medals Fund unlocked! 300 x2 vouchers! 7 formation slots unlocked with set formations for easy defeating diferent heroes! If you are interested send me a message or if you have any other questions feel free to ask.

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