Sold 27x4 char 65x4 weapon MLB celeb noelle A2 LB2 20k gem global end game 35

Discussion in 'Nier Reincarnation Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by megumimin23, 9/19/21.

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  1. megumimin23

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    27x4* char & 65x4* weapon MLB celeb noelle A2 LB2 18k gem global end game 40$

    65x4* weapon 20k gem 43 ticket summon

    lv 65 acc
    27x4* in total including free unit:
    fio celeb MLB, cele noelle MLB, celeb gayle LB1, celeb argo
    2P,white akeha, white fio, 2B LB2, A2 LB2, 2B
    argo, gayle, and rion

    65x4 star weapon including free weapon
    from event,chara and banner

    all campaign clear (normal ch 11,hard ch 11, and very hard ch 6 cleared)
    pity on on replicant 10x
    guest acc unlinked

    Read more
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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