Hey everyone, I want to sale my KnD Account for Android devices! Properties: All Trainingfields maxed out ~600.000 Gold 13 Gems 125 Fusion Stars Dragonforged: Pharao's Plategear lvl 74 Sharpwing Splitrobes lvl 99 Golithic Stonemail lvl 27 Malicious Ragemail lvl 1 Epics: Overgrown Lifeplate lvl 99 Overgrown Lifeplate lvl 1 Glacial Regalia lvl 99 Snowstorm Platemail + lvl 99 Dragonborn Aegis lvl 99 Primordial Hide + lvl 99 Firestorm Vanguard lvl 99 Ravage Shieldplate lvl 99 Chaos Vanguard lvl 99 Earthwarden's Shroud lvl 99 Cryptid Wargear lvl 99 DeMortuis Robes lvl 80 Dervish's Regalia lvl 77 Harlequin Roguegear lvl 54 Chaotic Hellguard lvl 25 Rivenborn Aegis lvl 1 Champions Battlegear lvl 1 Apocalypse Platemail lvl 1 If interested contact me on Line and give me a serious offer! My ID is sgmaniac. Screenshots will be given on demand.