I am selling my Hero Wars Web account. VIP 15 (max) Level 130 (max) total titans power: 2 090 711 (max) total heroes power: 1 205 766 dungeons level cleared: >20 900 Eternal summer season - gold ticket (event running for 30 days with lots of items to achieve) Valkyrie's Favor active and maxed out 925 artifact coins per day for free needs to be renewed by yourself every week for less than USD 2 member of a gold league (not part of the selling since not owned by me) all 12 Titans entirely maxed all absolute star all artifacts maxed all skins maxed all 18 Totems and maxed all 53 Heroes 18 on absolute star Cleaver and Avalon on absolute star strongest team: 435 819 power Gift of elements maxed for 18 heroes: Alvanor, Arachne, Astaroth, Celeste, Cleaver, Cornelius, Daredevil, Faceless, Galahad, Helios, Jhu, Jorgen, Krista, Lars, Martha, Nebula, Rufus, Sebastian 5 Champion skins: Jhu, Cleaver, Jorgen, Helios, Galahad Champion skins can only be bought with coins earned in gold / silver guild leagues. all 8 Pets Biscuit on absolute star Albus, Merlin, Oliver and Axel on 4 stars 4 on purple, 1 on blue, 3 on white Resources available for you >373k emeralds >220k soul coins >223M gold > 35k pet potions 9 certificates 29 boxes with 50 hero soul stones 1 450 soul stones to star up any of the heroes of your choice (except Jet) 11 boxes with 5 pet soul stones > 923k sparks for Gift of Elements enough to max out another 14 heroes >175 gold guild coins will save for >225 to give you an option to buy a gold champions' skin of your choice 751 silver guild coins enough for 1 more silver champions' skin of your choice 600 bronce guild coins I will continue to play this account until it gets sold. I will not spend more resources than absolutely necessary to continue with the daily quests. You can expect the emeralds, gold, gold guild coins and heroes' power to grow by the time the selling is settled. For further questions, PM me.
hi can I have the account please for free I don't can pay for it because my parents don't will that i do it
I will make an offer for your titan teams, 1250$, heroes are useless but titans are strong, I have strong heroes teams done in 500-750$ but weak titans, have a thought
Newhello i need a hero wars ecount can you give me one if you can give me free sent message to this gmail [email protected] thank you
Since I can't update the initial post content, I created a new listing: https://www.playerup.com/threads/he...all-totems-maxed-all-heroes-all-pets.5281652/