Sold lvl 117 100K force, automata units + lots of weapons 45 4 , Cheap 100

Discussion in 'Nier Reincarnation Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SoakFlare, 9/13/21.

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  1. SoakFlare

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    Selling my main account, lot of ressources, unit anything you need to play this game quietly.

    47K gem, 4* tickets and 55 tickets

    Still, a lot of stamina potion to buy and use + rare medal ones
    Got 4 cubes fire 2H fire 1H wind 1H and dark 2H are 4*
    all weapons are already at stage 4 for daily dark memories

    Update: Weapons and units are maxed, including 2 3 and 4* (not on the screens).

    Discord: Likaos#4757
    Paiement: Friend and Family or middleman.



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